All people are born with certain numerical indicators. Our own birthday has different numbers that carry on to our soul and Aura with certain strength. Behind these numbers is a great deal of knowledge about your own soul. Your birthday shows you what you are and what special energy you carry with you.


The first date of birthday, that is, the day you were born, it carries energy that affects your nature. It is not by chance when a child is born to this world. The same way it is not by chance the day you were born in a month. Your birth date indicates what energy is in your Aura body.


Birth date affects everyone's zodiac. This generally enhances certain peculiarities of the zodiac or enhances some of the specific excess energy. This is also the reason why sometimes a representative of a horoscope does not feel the same as other zodiac members. Numerology affects astrology and vice versa. When reading these indicators you have to summarize all your own indicators and understand that one affects the other.



If you were born on 17th day, its numerological power will send you throughout your life. It gives you characteristics and adds additional values to your other numerological and astrological powers.

If your birth date is on the 17th day, then that day numerological power has given you a very strong character. A character which never gives up easily a thing which has been taken as a goal. This characteristic doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to change your mind at all. Yes, it’s possible to do that, but not then, when you have made up your mind on something. If the decision hasn’t been made, then it’s possible to play with you, change and form you. If you have decided, then there’s nothing to do. Your closest people should accept that characteristic you have, because if your decisiveness is understood more by others, then you will have less trouble and fights with your closest ones. Therefore, this article is also for them. You just have the power to stick to the things which are set inside you. And sometimes you may be quite stubborn to get what you wish.

Your birth date first digit, which is 17, makes you very ambitious and you just need to have a good life. You feel inside you, that you always deserve something better and you always wish to get something better. This characteristic is as well as good as bad for you. It makes you to achieve in a good way, helping you to make your life as you wish it to be. But on the other hand it can lead you from a slight luxury love to a luxury greed. There’s a very slight line between them, which you definitely should understand. If this happens, get yourself down from that cloud you’re sitting on, and see your ambitions always from a good perspective. I have several friends born on the 17th date and I see, how they can feel that line and step-by-step get your life together in very healthy way of living. But there’s always a danger to fall down, you should just know it.

Because of your birth date 17, you’re a very good organizer and you like to arrange and organise things. For example, dealing with your home and domestic things, working with small details at work, or whatever you like to do. But details, planning and organising things by yourself are your favourites. It makes you calm and lets you to use your energy. Number 17 supports a profession, where you don’t need other people to do your job, because professionally you can be very independent. But it absolutely doesn’t mean that you don’t like people. They just should exist next to you on a some kind of other level, for example as friends and family.

But this independency can also lead you to misunderstandings with others. Sometimes it may send wrong signals to other people, like you don’t need their support. You should be aware of that and you should show your closest ones that you like to get help and that you need people around you. You do need all this, but it’s not very easy for you to show it to others.

You tend to have a materialistic soul, even when you’re interested in spiritualism, mysticism, esotericism, crystals and all that. But still you stay materialistic. Especially men, who have born on that date, they are very deeply inside money and financial matters. 17th date gives you the need to be financially secure and the wish to feel, that you have enough money or real estate, for example. Also your zodiac will determine, how important is all this for you. All astrological and numerological characteristics should be read together and then you will get to know everything about yourself.

Money is important for you also, when we’re talking about your job and salary. The bigger the salary is, the happier you are. Hereby you may have a question – who doesn’t? True, money and materiality are important in people lives, but there are many people, who doesn’t find it to be very relevant. If your job is financially motivating, then you can do that job. Many people born on the 17th day wish to have economically high status and many business-people are born on that date.

17th date gives a strong personality with ambitiousness and consistency. But if you’re born on that date, then it’s very important for you, what others tell you, how they tell you, because you take things to a heart very easily. Despite of the strong facade you have you have a vulnerable heart. And when your heart is wounded you don’t wish to show that to anyone. You rather keep things to yourself and this stays so until you handle your emotions.

If your birth day is 17, then this date numerological power will make you a bit restless towards your life. You wish to experience, see and feel a lot in your life. You constantly feel in your sub-consciousness something, telling you, that you should move yourself, go towards new and unknown things, that you don’t have enough sparkle in your life or that there’s nothing interesting for the soul in your life. A feeling, like you’re missing something and that you should get to know more, follows you everywhere. This number makes you curious and gives your soul the skill to get to know life – this number makes you a learner.

If you're born on that date and you wish to enjoy life, you have to let yourself to do that a lot. Let yourself enjoy actions and entertainment, travelling - of course if your wallet lets you - all this lets you to be happy. All kind of changes, experiences and interesting places let your soul to stay alive. If you feel restless in your heart, then go and step out of the daily routine.

Your birth number comes with the need to feel secure and that's especially with your home. Your home should always be clean, it has to belong to you and you should know, that you always have a place to go. Your home is your castle and if you're born on a 17th day, then your biggest wish is to make yourself an ideal home. Ideal home, which exists in your visions and dreams.

Number 17 gives you the need to be very close with your family. Family means so lot to you, that you're telepathically connected with them. Family members' emotions are your emotions and you constantly think in which phase are your relations. As a partner you're very caring, but you may get stucked when you need to show and explain your caring to your person. Your partner may not always see inside your heart and therefore you need to learn to express your feelings verbally. You need to say out loud the words which symbolize your feelings. If you don't do that, you may feel, that your partner doesn't see your love. This is something which you can make better. It makes you happy if you see that partner understands your love. As a mother or a fater you're caring, but you tend to be slightly over-caring.

You like to live your life independently and you don't like when someone says that do this or do that. You like even less laws and regulations, which don't let you to live freely, which restrain and dominate over you. You have been given enough cleverness and the skill to stand off the law and still get what you want. And it happens so that you won't get caught. You just have a mind that can make the best plan for you even in bad conditions. Also, you don't like when your partner sets you limits. You need a partner, who lets you to live freely and if you find that partner then you're happy. But you also need to understand, that there aren't many people, who can be in a relationship that way that you feel free. It doesn't happen very often, but a person born on a 17th date finds that person. But people always understand you and if you wish that, let your people know, that you need to feel free.

CHRYSOCOLLA is a crystal for people born on a 17th date according to numerological part. Chrysocolla helps to open yourself more in a relation, lead stress out of your life, be satisfied with your life and understand what road you should choose to get desired and dreamed financial status. Chrysocolla brings ideas which lead you to the top and help fulfill your ambitions. At the same time, Chrysocolla helps to soften negative sides of the 17th date and show their strongest sides only.

If your birth date is 17, than this date gives you many good characteristics. If you wish to be successful, then share your feelings in arelationship and go on with professional work, because fulfilling your ambitions will make you happy.