All people are born with certain numerical indicators. Our own birthday has different numbers that carry on to our soul and Aura with certain strength. Behind these numbers is a great deal of knowledge about your own soul. Your birthday shows you what you are and what special energy you carry with you.


The first date of birthday, that is, the day you were born, it carries energy that affects your nature. It is no coincidence when a child is born to this world. The same way it is not by chance the day you were born in a month. Your birth date indicates what energy is in your Aura body.


Birth date affects a persons zodiac. This generally enhances certain peculiarities of the zodiac or enhances some of the specific energies that are in excess. This is also the reason why sometimes a representative of a zodiac sign doesn´t feel like other members of the same sign. Numerology affects astrology and vice versa. While reading your own indicators, you have to summarize all off these and understand that one affects the other.



If you are born on the 31st day then its numerological power will send you throughout your life. It gives you characteristics and adds additional values to your other numerological and astrological powers.

Your birth date has given you the skill and the need to be committed to what you do. The combination of your birthday 3 and 1 makes you constructive in what you have taken on. It is very important to you that the commitments you have taken on are always fulfilled and if they are not met, then they will haunt you. You create a lot of nervous tension for yourself because you feel that you have not worked hard enough and finished doing your things. Why are you like that? The answer to this question is very simple - you have learned the devotion and responsibility in one of your previous lives. It's clear to you how to get things done, and if they are not finished, that's why it's upsetting you, whether it's a small or a big deal. At the same time, you also do not tolerate if other people leave their things half-executed or fail to fulfil their promises. In fact, you should not be upset about this, but instead inspire someone to complete his things completely. You have this strength; therefore, the other person doesn’t have, and you could be the one who inspires others.

One of the negative qualities of being born on 31st day that comes with sense of responsibility is overwork and not enjoying life. Those born on the 31st day can immerse in work so deep that he can be considering working more important than living.. Of course, work has to be done, it keeps person alive, it gives vitality and when doing the right work, it gives the opportunity for self-expression and self-realization, but nothing in human life should be exorbitantly dominant. However, being born on 31, you tend to sink into work, shut yourself to this world and take away the right to enjoy life. It may happen that nothing more than working is done. My recommendation to all those born on the 31st day is to observe yourself, analyse whether you share something else in your life after working, whether you give yourself the opportunity to enjoy life or not. If you feel overworked, take time consciously for yourself, believe me you're worth it.

If you were born on this date, you have the natural ability to organize and plan.. Let's just say you're born assistant, secretary, accountant, CEO and organizer. You have everything in you to move things in the right and most beneficial way. You can think about different solutions according to the situation, find the most useful option, and turn everything step-by-step into your favour. If to choose your job according to your date of birth, you should definitely have that kind of job where you have the opportunity to order and organize things.

For a person born on the 31st it is very important that his life is practical, useful and economically things must be smooth.. Material security is very important. One should not forget that the need for economic certainty should never change over to greed. These two have a very delicate boundary.

If you were born on the 31st day, you are very interested in many different topics, you are just one who likes to learn more, understand life, catch various random facts, and just know what's going on around you. I do not think that you are negatively curious, but you're just interested in life and everything that's going on around you. This, in turn, makes you a very good conversational partner; you can go along with any subject, chat and philosophize. Many of those born on 31st are life-long learners,, some who constantly read books, that go on trainings and discover the world through their life lessons. One big discovery comes with the 31st date.

This birthday can make a person a bit confined when talking about love and showing it. The 31st day may change you so that you do not want physical contact, blocking the sharing of hugs and proximity. If you were born on this date and you feel that sometimes it's hard to express your love, it's your birthday that keeps you back. If this is the case, then I suggest you bring a lucky crystal to your life, which is Amber. Amber will open your love so that you can show it to others.

AMBER is a lucky crystal for people born on the 31st birthday. Amber brings happiness for people born on this date in every field of life, brings happiness to love, health and, in addition, it brings abundance to his life. It is beneficial for wearing Amber when it's time to increase lucky energy. I recommend keeping Amber in a birth crystal chest so that it can keep your lucky energy active during your lifetime. Amber is also a useful crystal for the 31st birthday because it helps and teaches the enjoyment of life. Amber is a crystal that helps you find the right path for you, bringing happiness to your personal speciality or identify your talent. Amber makes those born on 31st day more loving, caring, more generous, and it is a crystal that corrects the negative features of the 31st day, highlighting only the positive qualities. In general, Amber brings good luck in every respect and at every level.

Numerology given by birth is full of mysterious language, which tells us the story of ourselves. I sincerely hope that I could hint a little about who you are and why you are just like that!