All people are born with certain numerical indicators. Our own birthday has different numbers that carry on to our soul and Aura with certain strength. Behind these numbers is a great deal of knowledge about your own soul. Your birthday shows you what you are and what special energy you carry with you.

The first number of your birth day, the day you were born, carries certain energy that affects your nature. It is no coincidence when a child is born to this world. The same way it is no coincidence on what day in a month you were born. Your birth date indicates what energy is in your Aura body.

Birth date affects a persons zodiac. This generally enhances certain peculiarities of the zodiac or enhances some of the specific energies that are in excess. This is also the reason why sometimes a representative of a zodiac sign doesn´t feel like other members of the same sign. Numerology affects astrology and vice versa. While reading your own indicators, you have to summarize all off these and understand that one affects the other.


If you were born on the 15th day, the power of this number will send you throughout your life. It gives you the character traits and added value to your other numerological and astrological figures.

Your birth date has given you the ability to express your love and share it with others. You are very romantic and loving in your soul. There are so many emotions inside you, and if you feel love, then you have to show it out. Other people can feel your love from far and the fact that you can share love, the same feature invites many different people next to you throughout life. Your strength is to teach through your own behaviour, that is, to inspire other people to express their passionate feelings. You like traditions, entertainment and social events. Next to others, you are the one who wakes people up and makes them act.

The 15th birth date gives you a great ability to work with other people, help people, be a medical professional, counsellor, therapist, psychologist, staff manager, relationship manager, party organizer, actor or anyone who works to help, rejoice or unite people.

In your character, you are quite ambitious and you have no problem working on your own ambitions. You have been given the durability, which is one of the important features of the work. If you keep your goals in front of your eyes, one day you decide where you want to move in your life, where to reach and who to become, then you will not have a trouble reaching the end result. If the target is in place, then you have all the power to fulfil your dream. The bottom line is simply to find out what your topic is, your dream, and try not to look too long for it, searching is a waste of time.

The first number of your birth date has given you the need to see material certainty and luxury in your life. Whether you have a lot of money in your pockets or not, you like and need the luxury in your life. You feel well when surrounded by high-quality things, they simply mitigate your stress. Luxury does not necessarily mean greed - if you were born on that date, then quality of life is just important for you.

The 15th day has given you a wish and the need for a warm, loving and happy family.
Your Heart Chakra has this desperate need, which simply cannot accept the opposite. Inside you there is a desire to create a family with a great deal of unity, mutual understanding, sharing of love and great pleasure. If you already have such family, then you want to get something more out of your family life. In your soul, there is a need for affection and respect for each other. If fate has not given you such a family, then you are sad and it can lead you to stress and even depression. Often, the most difficult challenge for people born on the 15th day is human relationships, because when you are born on that date, you take it very seriously and you want to always keep good relationships, but people have their faults and causing pain is actually very simple. Something inside you constantly tells you that you need to strive to achieve the ideal family. It is a great deal of pleasure for you to see if your loved ones appreciate you and see good in you.

By nature, you're an adventurer, either in your fantasy world or in real life and physically. You like to experience, travel and discover.
There are three kinds of people who are born on the 15th: one who advances through books, art and good films, one who does all these things and also actually travels around the world, and the last one is the one who lives their life by travelling around the world. This need for adventure brought to you by your birth date often generates a conflict with the need for a cosiness of home. There is a constant conflict in you between homesickness and travel. It is difficult to find the happy medium but it's not impossible.

MALACHITE is the lucky crystal for those born on the 15th, which brings luck on many different levels Malachite helps to achieve material certainty, bring luxury and activate the movement of cash. Malachite protects against misfortune, problems, sadness and negativity. Malachite helps to heal the negative traits of those born on the 15th and bring forward the positive traits. Malachite will help the soul who has verged towards unhappiness to return to the right path. Malachite helps to find the talent and skill that is possible to turn into a speciality and a source of income. I recommend wearing Malachite as a jewellery and keep it in the birth crystal chest. For more information on the birth crystal chest, read HERE.

You are by nature very helpful to other people, you have everything that can soothe the sorrowful and worried soul. You are the kind of person to whom others come for help, others feel that you really care about them and can understand them sincerely. For all this, many of your friends can come to your life, who need to share with you, who need to fight their own emotions and get help from you. However, it can often be very burdensome for you, you will be strained and robbed of your energy. One of the challenges in life is to learn how to cope with everything and how to help other people without sacrificing oneself. Your lucky crystal Malachite, it is a protective force, it can protect you from the lack of energy, negativity, stress and overload. A definite thing you need to know is that you must not let yourself be used. There is something in you that often lets this happen and this is definitely one thing you need to learn. Put it on the list of tasks that you still need to learn and learn it during this lifetime. Malachite will help you do this.

You have a weakness, which is accepting criticism.
Your Heart Chakra is very open, this is where your need for family relationships comes from, and from this comes the ability to support other people, which is all very good and great. The same open Heart Chakra makes you very sensitive to criticism, you have no problem to take someone's words like a knife to the chest and magnify the criticism within you. You are sensitive, you need to teach your dear people how to go around with you, how to approach you and how to communicate with you. The reason why Malachite is your lucky crystal is that it is a strong Heart Chakra crystal that can protect you from the pain that other people can cause you, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Numerology given by birth is full of mysterious language that tells us the story of ourselves. I sincerely hope that I could tell you a little about who you are and why you are just like that!!