All people are born with certain numerical indicators. Our own birthday has different numbers that carry on to our soul and Aura with certain strength. Behind these numbers is a great deal of knowledge about your own soul. Your birthday shows you what you are and what special energy you carry with you.


The first date of birthday, that is, the day you were born, it carries energy that affects your nature. It is no coincidence when a child is born to this world. The same way it is not by chance the day you were born in a month. Your birth date indicates what energy is in your Aura body.


Birth date affects a persons zodiac. This generally enhances certain peculiarities of the zodiac or enhances some of the specific energies that are in excess. This is also the reason why sometimes a representative of a zodiac sign doesn’t feel like other members of the same sign. Numerology affects astrology and vice versa. While reading your own indicators, you have to summarize all off these and understand that one affects the other.


The birth date effect on a persons life path and character gives a part of the whole that is his soul. To completely understand who, for example, you are then you have to add up all your astrological and numerological indicators and from that you’ll get the real answer. When, for example, astrological and numerological indicators have overlapping character traits, then they will be in you very strongly, but when there are many different, then you are more balanced, etc.



If you are born on the 29th day then its numerological power will send you throughout your life. It gives you more character traits and adds value to your other numerological and astrological indicators.

People born on the 29th are very interesting for me and for themselves they are even like a mystery. All of this for a reason!

When you are born on the 29th, then this date has given you the ability to adapt very well to people and environment. The ability to adapt is one of the best and strongest traits your date of birth has given you. Adaptability gives the possibility to do well in many very different situations, with people with different temperament and background. When today you haven't yet paid attention to that trait then, right now, look and analyse yourself a bit more, you really can do that. Of course, when you have an emotional connection with the person, then this quality could fail you, but with everyone else you can use that character trait.

Adaptability gives you the opportunity to move forward in life in a way that you won’t have to forcibly hold yourself at place. Therefore it gives you freedom. When your other astrological and numerological indicators favour movement then you really are unstoppable. You always have to look and analyse what other indicators give you, to completely understand the reasons behind your character.

29th has given you a very good gut feeling that helps to lead you to the right direction in your life. This is intuition that gives you inspiration from what to use as a guide and to lead yourself. When you are born at the 29th then your could and should use that ability for living your life. Always trust your inspiration. Your intuition is not related to clear sensing, feeling and seeing. Your intuition comes from inspiration and when you listen to it, then everything is okay.

Sodalite is a beautiful blue crystal that is a lucky crystal for everyone born on the 29th. Sodalite supports a person born on the 29th, helping always to keep your gut feeling strong and causes inspiration that leads life to the right direction. Sodalite is completely necessary for everyone born on that day. Sodalite could be a talisman from time to time in life or as jewellery in everyday life or definitely represented in your home or birth crystal set. For more information on the birth crystal chest, read HERE.

29th date makes you restrained for others who don’t know you very closely. Which, in reality, is a good thing. You are not the one who reacts right away in different situations, over reacts, expresses himself impulsively or lets his feelings physically or emotionally to be known. It takes you some time, you analyse, quick calculations, inspiration comes and then you’ll express yourself. You just need a little more time for launching than others. The same quality gives people not as close to you a feeling that you are restrained, they don’t know who you really are or they can’t interpret your character. Well, let that be a mystery for them, even you can’t really interpret yourself. Don’t worry I’ll help you to do that through this article here, through another article tomorrow and that’s how a whole is formed.

29th makes you into a person who says things boldly out loud, when you have your own opinion and stand on certain themes. You’re not afraid to say out loud when something is in place in you, despite what others could think about you. It’s a good quality, as we can’t be liked by everyone, we don’t have to and every person should have their own opinion.

Socially you’re a bit selective, despite your ability to adapt to people very well. Let only these people close to you, who have shown you first that they like you. It’s important for you to sense, whether there is interest in you or not. When there is, then you’ll let him into your life, or not. So, you will not be the person who would make the first step, and when you think of doing so, then think this step through well?

Sodalite is your lucky crystal that helps to keep your relationships in order in different levels. Sodalite helps you to understand what you even want in your life, and what not. As it’s Sodalite, then it’s strongly related to strengthening intuition and it will help you very well to make decisions in every direction.

29th day has given you a big potential for achieving something personal in life, inspiration takes you forward, courages and adaptability all encourage success. But what could ruin your success? You can’t stand losing and this could prove fatal to youa. Relapse could stop you and this could ruin a few good and favourable roads you already are in. Relapse or losing does not mean that you shouldn’t go to the direction you chose, life brings things like this to us, so that we would learn, change something in our lives and when we do so, then we have the power to reach where we have wanted to reach. When you can later on can take life like this then you will be where you have dreamt of being. Sodalite crystal helps you to learn from life lessons.

When a person born on the 29th would let fate lead him more, then his life would be so much easier. A person born on the 29th is definitely the one, who should not calculate their life, make a long term plan, but should let inspiration simply lead you to somewhere and to, rather, keep an achievement in thoughts not the road to it. At the same time, moving through inspiration towards it, but never setting yourself limits that really create the actions of plans and calculations.

When 29th is your birthday then you are really created for a long-term relationship. One side of you would like a steady partner who would be a friend, lover, support person and all of that in one person, but the other side in you is such a romantic that would like to experience falling in love more than only once. When you are in a relationship, then the other side needs to understand that it is easy to hurt you with words and the other side should be careful. But at the same time you need to work hard, so that words wouldn’t hurt you as much as the words from your lover do.

The biggest problem that may come to your life, is the question: "Who am I and what’s the purpose of my life", that’s why I said that 29th is a mystery for himself. For the longest, a person born on the 29th won’t understand who he completely is, it comes in time and different layers will appear from year to year and the more time passes the more he understand who he really is. That’s why his lucky crystal is Sodalite. Sodalite helps to see yourself more clearly and to understand who the “me” really is.

You day of birth tells you a story about yourself and this from a small part of you. To understand who you really are, you need to solve the puzzle. To add your astrological and numerological indicators and you’ll get a whole – yourself!