All people are born with certain numerical indicators. Our own birthday has different numbers that carry on to our soul and Aura with certain strength. Behind these numbers is a great deal of knowledge about your own soul. Your birthday shows you what you are and what special energy you carry with you.

The first number of your birthday, the day you were born, carries certain energy that affects your nature. It is no coincidence when a child is born into this world. In the same way, it is no coincidence on what day in a month you were born. Your birth date indicates what energy is in your Aura body.

Birth date affects a persons' zodiac. This generally enhances certain peculiarities of the zodiac or enhances some of the specific energies that are in excess. This is also the reason why sometimes a representative of a zodiac sign doesn´t feel like other members of the same sign. Numerology affects astrology and vice versa. While reading your own indicators, you have to summarize all of these and understand that one affects the other.

The influence of the date of birth on a person's life path and character gives a part of the whole that is his soul. To completely understand who, for example, you are then you have to add up all your astrological and numerological indicators and from that, you’ll get the real answer. When, for example, astrological and numerological indicators have overlapping character traits, then they will be in you very strongly, but when there are many different, then you are more balanced, etc.


If you were born on the 5th day, the power of this number will send you throughout your life. It gives you more character traits and adds value to your other numerological and astrological indicators.

A person born on the 5th by character is extremely curious, and when we talk about curiosity then this will not always mean the negative side of it. The person born on the 5th has curiosity on every level, everywhere he looks has something that raises more questions.

When you’re born on that day, then maybe you haven’t really noticed that something interests you, how much you want to focus on the small things, details, people, what they say and on everything that comes to you on your journey. For example, I, as a bystander, can tell that everyone born on that day and in any month is curious.

That same curiosity is a good quality when the person born on the 5th won’t allow it to grow into something negative and malicious. That same healthy interest gives the person the capacity to learn, favourable character for self-development and the chance to change. Healthy curiosity helps to grow spiritually and mentally. Unhealthy curiosity produces envy, malice, criticism towards other people and the habit of gossiping in people born on the 5th who allow curiosity to become malice. When you’re born on the 5th analyse yourself. Ask yourself where your curiosity is directed towards to, would your rather wish to learn in life, to grow spiritually for your own well-being or, rather, you’re interested in what your neighbour is doing under your window. Answer honestly to yourself – when the curiosity in you is healthy then you’re using the strong side the date of your birth gave you for your own growth. When the answer is something else, then heal that side in you and go back to the right track.

In addition to curiosity, the person born on the 5th likes excitement, novelty and interesting experiences. On this point, the character trait is determined by the Sun sign. When the Sun sign favours loving excitement, then on the 5th date it’s particularly highlighted. It mostly affects Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio who are born on that day. Any kind of interesting experience enriches and improves your life when your day of birth is  5. When your Sun sign is one of the six then the more you expect something mystical, magical, extravagant, positively dramatic, surprising and grand to happen in your life. With the rest of the six signs, this character trait may not be as prominent.

You truly like to control your life and what happens in it. This control is especially needed over your own financial state and well-being. You have a very good natural financial way of thinking that helps you to keep your back strong. When you don’t use these financial abilities in your work, then you’ll do it in your personal life or you’re the financial adviser to your partner.

In addition to this, it’s very important for you to have a clear view of your life. What happens in your life needs to be clear as water, there can be no confusion as this will upset you. When you know your relationship status in your personal life with one or another person then you will feel secure. You don’t like unclear relationships, strange signals from your friend or partner. You except sincere, genuine and direct communication, where there are no questions or signs of danger. When you feel like there are these two traits in you, then it will agitate you when you have the temperament. When by nature you’re more balanced then it simply makes you panic a little. Here I have a bit of good advice for everyone whose partner is born on the 5th – be honest, genuine and express yourself always directly. This helps to avoid a lot of problems that may come up in a relationship.

In relationships, you’re not really good at expressing feelings when we talk about body language and expressing physical love. With men, it’s a bit milder and they may not have it that much, but women born under that number have this blockage you naturally need to get over. I’m bringing it out for the woman born on the 5th to understand where this blockage comes from that won let her express his love very freely and with enjoyment physically. 5th date gives you the ability to put love into words and express your feelings verbally. In addition, the person born on the 5th won’t say anything about love when this feeling is not existing. Therefore, when he says: "I love you!", then it really is like this. For the relationship to have physical closeness, caresses, hugs and contact, that I recommend using different love crystals related to passion and sexuality. Ones with the most intense power are on Garnet and Rainbow Moonstone.

For no conflicts to appear in a relationship, you need to try and try to express yourself physically, especially when you have a partner who is really eloquent in his love. When that’s the case then he is sent to your life to teach you, that you need to take love and feelings to the physical level in addition to the mental level. Maybe your task is to teach him the opposite.

5th date has given you a bit of fear that lurks around in the subconsciousness and what you may not be able to put into words. 5th date carries a bit of vexed energy that creates fear in a person and it may come up completely unexpected and in safe situations. Also, this emotion more often comes forward in women than in men who are born on the 5th.

On the positive side, you have the need to maintain balance and harmony in your life. You don’t like to be in the middle of drama or among alarming people or situations. You would happily creep out from situations like this and with great enjoyment would push things like this completely out of your life. You have a lot of thoughts in your head that would help you to bring even more balance and harmony into your life. You try to find solutions that would heal and help you. You think about how to make your home into a better place for living or how to keep relationships with other people healthy. A lot of work goes on in your head and you aim towards creating the idyll. That same character trait gives, for example, a parent the ability to create a good home for your child or children, by constantly trying to give them the best home to enjoy their childhood.

LABRADORITE is your birth crystal according to the first number of your birthday. People born on the 5th really need Labradorite to balance the negative qualities the birth date has given them and to make them positive, and also to bring the positive qualities even more forward. Labradorite helps to bring good luck, joy, prosperity, wealth, inner peace, intuitive mind and stress-free life. It’s very useful to keep Labradorite crystal in your birth crystal set, in your home or wear it as jewellery.

You have the ability to keep your emotions under control and you’ll use this ability a lot when you feel like you can’t fight with anyone anymore or might be in a negative situation. It’s a really good survival skill you have learned in one of your previous lives and it has attached to you. This, essentially does not mean that you can shut yourself down to not care. It rather exists in you for making compromises, later the negative situation can move around in your mind, you analyse it and then you’ll make peace with yourself. Labradorite, your birth crystal, helps you to stay calm and make peace with the negative thoughts in you. Labradorite is a very important crystal that helps you to feel good.

You are extremely analytical and for that, you can react very quickly in different situations. Different solutions will come very quickly, direction changes and organising things in a different direction when you need to that in accordance to the situation. Anyhow, you’re quick!

Your strongest side is your verbal abilities and you definitely need to use them in this life and give something to humanity with that. You’re good with words, have the ability to control what to say and whatnot. For that, you would make a really good customer service clerk, sales agent, public relations agent, counsellor or would suit for some other job where it’s important to communicate with other people. Your lucky crystal Labradorite helps to strengthen your communicative skills even more.

The first number of your birth date talks quite a bit about you, numerology is given to you for understanding yourself more!

To understand yourself completely, you need to look at all your astrological and numerological indicators together and analyse them