Dreams reflect us who we are, what we feel, what we want, what our destiny is, what we have before us and what we have experienced. Dreams carry great and useful information about ourselves. Dreams can also reveal to us who we have been in our past, what experience we have had and what has been the fate of our past life. All of this can be seen through sleep, especially when we are doing a lot of work to get these visions.


Very often I have been asked why from time to time we see one dream during the course of our life. I have an answer to this question – this is the memory of your previous life.


Before you continue, I wish one thing from you. Be good and think about your life. Think if you have had recurring dream in your life? Dream that you saw in childhood, at the age of adolescence, and now more recently. Do you have a specific dream that has meant a lot to you and that has been exactly the same on many different occasions? If so, this is the memory of your previous life.


In reality, we are remembering all our previous lives, but most of all, the ones we have lived most recently. So, in all likelihood, this same recurring dream referred to your one previous life.


How can you understand what your dream could mean?


In general, such dreams that come to us as repetitive visions are very real, there are no confused symbols. This dream is very real or appropriate for a certain age. In general, the home of the past life is seen, some sort of sequel, memory, and activity that resembles real life. This same dream is what refers to your previous life.


This is the memory that comes to your mind. If you saw such dream, then you should be very happy, because you got a mysterious experience. You actually got information about yourself. Such dreams should be written down. I have always recommended that you keep a diary of dreams and of your own life. A diary where you write the memories that have come to your attention about your past lives.


If you've seen such a dream, then everything that happened there was real. Long time ago, at one point, you've been in such a situation, and it was reminded to you for a reason. Consequently, this same moment affected your life today. This same moment relates to your today's life task, karma and fate.


Such memories are not brought to us for fun, everything in this world has a deeper meaning. You had to see this memory of your past life to take it as a hint of why you were here today.


What your previous life`s dream wants to tell you, you need to explain it to yourself. Think what you felt when you were there, what were you doing, with whom you were together, were you afraid or were you happy? There is a hint in all these emotions and activities.


I've seen a lot of such dreams about myself and with time there are more coming. Thanks to the dreams, piece by piece I've put together a picture of my past lives. It's an endless search if one day you start to analyse what’s happening in your life. And when you begin to do this, you will discover some very interesting and useful aspects of yourself. I have been opened by the crystals and believe that without them I would not develop so fast.


If you want to see your past lives through the dreams, then open your minds for previous lives. For that, I strongly recommend using crystals. Crystals carry an ancient power with them and skill to bring the right information from the depths of the soul. Crystals are among the best helpers if you want to see visions. Crystals open your soul and help you see the visions so you can fit them into your life. To do this, find a box or a beautiful base on which you can collect crystals that are aimed at seeing dreams. Throughout the years collect self-developing crystals on that base. In my bedroom there are several sets of crystals that are aimed at my spiritual development. This is so that I will be more and more open to addressing such issues every day.


The memories of past lives can be brought forward by a crystal such as Atlantisite. Atlantisite helps to open your senses to the memories of past lives, bringing them into your dreams, helping you understand who you were and why that person. Atlantisite opens the soul for itself and opens the memories in it. In addition to Atlantisite, there are plenty of different crystals that can help you, such as Preseli, Rhyolite or Aqua Aura.


Take notice of what your soul tells you. Notice your own visions, dreams and inner feelings. The answers to your previous lives are in your Aura field. You just need to learn to read and analyse the signs coming from your soul. If you do not try to listen to yourself, you will never know what your soul has to say to you.