Body weight problems are very common in our society and many people are fighting with that. Problems with weight are caused by moving too little or from bad eating habits because a lot depends on what you eat. When you eat too much and food is not plant-based, then it’s very easy to become obese. There can be no bad cholesterol in food, harmful fats and proteins people get from animal products. Plant-based food has everything your body requires and needs.

Healthy me begins from the healthy insides!

It’s actually very easy to control your weight when you bring very useful habits, foods and drinks to your daily routine. I’m sharing six very useful drinks with you that will help you to get rid of excessive body fat and maintain your weight. Most of these you probably already know, but it’s still good to remind yourself of these tricks. In addition, these drinks are also very healthy and nurture your body with useful nutrients.


Green Tea is number one in losing weight. So simple, very common and somehow a simple drink is actually the best thing to break down excessive fat. By drinking a cup or two of green tea a day you can keep your weight under control. Using it Regularly helps to get rid of overweight.

Green tea is a wonderful bomb of antioxidants that nurture your body with what it needs the most that help different diseases to stay away from you. Losing weight has to always be HEALTHY, so it could be permanent and won’t cause any complications. That’s why I always recommend looking help from plants and not using pills that could harm your health.


Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful thing for many things. This should definitely be in your home to lose weight, in addition, it’s also a wonderful alternative for healing.

Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce body weight when you make yourself a delicious drink out of it. Pour 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to circa 250 ml glass, mix it well with a class full of water and your miracle drink is ready. Firstly, it’s a wonderful healer for your body and, secondly, it helps to break down fats and food. Definitely try it!


Cucumber water feeds your body with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fibre that are good for digestion. When your body has enough nutrients, then it won’t restore fat that easily. Therefore, it’s good to water your body with the right drinks to ensure the abundance of nutrients. Besides, it really is easy to make. Peel cucumber slices to the jug and drink it throughout the day. It’s an easy and useful alternative to table or tap water.

You can also mix cucumber water with lemon and lime water. This way you can mix the power from three weight reducing plants together.


Lemon and lime both taste wonderful. Water made of them is a refreshing drink for our whole body and digestive system. Both help to lose weight, helping to break down fat in your body. It’s especially useful for losing fat on your stomach. When you, for example, gain weight around the stomach area, then you should add these drinks to your daily routine. When you prepare lemon water and lime water, then squeeze half a lemon or lime into a glass, fill it with water, mix well and drink it!


Ginger is a wonderful spice for people who love spices, strong flavours and oriental plants. Ginger, one of my favourites, is, in addition to healing colds, nurturing the immune system and healing fungus, also a wonderful helper in losing body weight. Ginger activates your body to work through everything you have eaten. This encourages your digestive system, helping to break down food quickly, successfully and effectively. You can also drink ginger tea before you go to bed, as it’s good for sleep. Therefore you can make yourself tea at any time. 


Dandelion tea, so simple, earthy and wild, is also a wonderful bodyweight loser. Dandelion tea helps to heal your gut and digestive system that, in turn, helps to digest food better. When your digestive system works regularly, then your body can break down the food you eat and, therefore, keep the excessive weight away from you. I definitely recommend you dandelion tea when from time to time your stomach heart, you feel bloated and discomfort.

People who make excuses that they don’t have the time to make healthy food or eat healthily, they, unfortunately, will face some kind of health problem in the future. Therefore, never make excuses about your health!

In addition to all of these super drinks, I also recommend using Juniper berry essential oil and Peppermint essential oil. Burning these oils in an oil lamp, using them in body care or smelling them, will help to reduce appetite. When you wish to reduce weight and overeating or constant snacking are your problems, then these oils will definitely be for you.

Juniper berry essential oil stops the need to constantly eat and reduces appetite. Burn Juniper berry essential oil in an oil lamp, when you want to lose the big appetite that makes you eat and snack for no reason. When you have bigger eating problems, you can’t control how much and when you eat, then I have another recipe for you. For that, mix Juniper berry essential oil together with Peppermint essential oil, and burn them in an oil lamp and do so especially in the evening when you usually want to eat the most. Burn at least 10-15 drops of essential at once (one alone or two mixed together).

It is known that Juniper berry essential oil has the ability to heal the digestive system, helping with normal digestion. Mix 1 tablespoon of Avocado carrier oil with 1-2 drops of Juniper berry essential oil and apply this mixture to your abdomen area. Massage the mixture to your skin, rest and let the pain go away. When you wish, then, instead of two drops of Juniper berry essential oil, add 1 drop of Juniper berry and 1 drop of Mandarin essential oil. Mandarin essential oil is also a wonderful healer for your digestive system and helps to reduce stomach gas.

Juniper berry helps to remove toxins and that’s why it’s useful to use it in your body care from time to time. Apply the mixture of Juniper berry essential oil and a carrier oil all over your body to activate it to release toxins. It's especially useful to keep yourself healthy and prevent different illnesses.

When you sometimes feel like you eat too much or allow unhealthy desires to take over then start using Peppermint essential oil. Burn this oil in an oil lamp in the kitchen or on a dining table. It is very useful to do this, for example, at a time when there is a greater celebration and the table is very rich. Breathing in the essential oil of peppermint can lower your appetites and bring your attention to the foods you need, not what you think you need. Peppermint essential oil helps to silence the ego-based diet and bring out an intuitive diet.

From crystals, White Howlite, Apatite and Black Obsidian are good for dieting. Keep these three crystals together in the fridge, kitchen, on the dining table or wear them as jewellery. When you want your whole family to eat healthily, then it would be good to have a bunch of these crystals in the kitchen. When you want to eat a more plant-based diet and direct your family members towards food that has more plants in it, then add also many Kambaba Jasper crystals to these crystals.

Kambaba Jasper is a crystal that at one point taught, inspired and motivated me to move from a life long vegetarianism towards veganism. Vegetarianism followed me until in one very right moment the inner wisdom about everything linked to consuming animals and crowing them for food got to me. By being a vegan already for years, I’m grateful for every day for the step I did back then. I believe that this is one of the grandest good deeds I have done to this day. This is not only good for me, but this lifestyle protects the environment, animals, respects living beings and it also helps to take care of our home, Earth so the future generations could also have a place to live. Growing animals for food takes up a lot of resources, pollutes the land, air and our whole atmosphere. In addition, it’s horrible violence we hide from ourselves and the whole society. Open your eyes and don’t nurture this world with violence, you are the big hero, even a superhero. That’s why I’m calling this the biggest good deed I have done in this life and keep doing every day. Kambaba Jasper took me there, I have felt the power of this crystal myself. Unexplainable power and a real example of how a crystal will make us into better people.

Allow plants to heal you, let there be plenty of them in your life!